Coulter Fussell

Coulter Fussell
Institute 193
August 2023

“Institute 193 is pleased to present Downriver, a series of multi-media works by Mississippi-based artist Coulter Fussell. In her own words:

I get into my studio every morning around 9:30. It’s an un-air-conditioned, unheated, ill-lit, twice-flooded, former geriatric medical supply storefront with no functioning running water and water-seeping, un-nailable concrete walls. And no Wi-Fi. Virginia Creeper grows from the ceiling on the inside. But it has a roof and a floor. 

The place is around 100 feet long and 25 feet wide and is absolutely jam packed with thousands of textiles…all in various states of wholeness: clothes, bedsheets, curtains, carpets, blankets, quilts, pillows, t-shirts, beach towels, lawn chair cushions, drapes, sleeping bags, tents, parachutes, and tablecloths. There’s also a substantial number of antique sewing machines, from beautiful little household Singer Featherweights to industrial machines from mill town denim factories. If I use a machine, which is rare, I use a plastic Singer Simple. I want a machine I can beat up without regret…” Read more

Image: Coulter Fussell, Coverage Area, 2023, donated textiles and mixed media, 96 x 48 inches

Coulter Fussell
Institute 193