Workshops at Hambidge are nurturing, creative experiences that facilitate deep learning, a reconnection with nature and a rejuvenation of spirit.

We offer workshops of three, five, and twelve days in a wide range of disciplines: from visual arts, crafts, and writing, to music, movement, and the culinary arts. No matter which topic you choose, you can look forward to an inspiring and restorative experience! Our workshop leaders are accomplished artists who offer in-depth lessons as well as thoughtful insights about their craft and practice.

Designed as immersive experiences, our workshops are kept small—8–10 attendees—in order to give you more time with your instructor, and also to encourage the creation of community through shared learning and conversations around the dinner table.

Attendees stay at the Antinori Village, our beautiful workshop facility, and take meals together in the gorgeous natural setting of the Bunnen Commons. The Hambidge campus is located on 600 forested acres in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. During free time, attendees can take advantage of our hiking trails, or simply sit and soak up some nature vibes.

Read more about the Antinori Village and guest rooms on our Room & Board page.
Find our Cancellation Policy and more in the Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have an idea for a workshop at Hambidge, please submit it to our Suggestion Box.
If you would like to be alerted when workshops are available for registration, please sign up here.

Workshop Schedule & Registration

Check back for our entire 2025 Workshop Schedule. Coming Soon!

Hambidge Workshops in 2024

February 22-25   Improvisation and the Style of Listening with Kebbi Williams

April 7-12   Basketry with Invasive Vines with Angela Eastman

May 12-17   Layers of Meaning: Exploring Analog Collage with Marryam Moma

July 7-12   Ceramic Jinx Breakers with Raku with Bobby Scroggins

July 14-19   The Magic of Fermentation: A Celebration of Place with Dr. Julia Skinner

August 1-4   Drawing with Nature with William Downs

August 18-23   Cyanotype Textiles with Jillian Marie Browning

August 25-30   Mushroom Immersion: All Things Fungi with Dr. Cornelia Cho & Sam Landes

September 5-8   Stories in Sound: Writing for Nonfiction Podcasts with Yves Jeffcoat

September 19-22   Creative Field Recording Retreat with Richard Devine

September 26-29   Cinema from Scratch: From Camera Obscura to Handmade Film with Sandra Gibson & Luis Recoder

October 13-18   Seoul Food with Chef LaMara Davidson

Oct 27-Nov 1   Marionette Making with Jason Hines

November 7-10   Good and Good for You with Chef Virginia Willis

November 14-17   Illuminating Nature through Poetry and Visual Art with Blair Hobbs

December 1-6   Creating the Light Within: Double-Walled Thrown & Pierced Vessels with Sondra Elder