Doug Barrett


Doug Barrett
50 Books | 50 Covers
July 2023

Doug Barrett, instructor and graphic designer and Hambidge Fellow, designed the winning book cover of Things Should Be This Hard chosen for 50 Books | 50 Covers, an AIGA juried competition.

The book, Things Shouldn't Be So Hard, was designed for Alabama artist Douglas Pierre Baulos. The book is a free workbook that outlines his thought process for making artwork and walks the reader through his inner struggles and a very personal creative practice. His personal work uses southern lore and history, natural fiber, book & paper making techniques and natural dye making to create collections of work that reference queer art and the southern experience.

The cover of the book references the nature of being an artist in the southern US, while inspiration for the book cover comes from a shared experience of documenting something that is lost. The "sun" map on the cover provides a point of reference, a way home and a grounding sense to those on a creative journey. Ephemeral in nature, the cover diagram confirms feelings of loss, nostalgia, regret and longing.

Part of the experience for the reader is to use the book as a sketchbook. Each chapter has a series of prompts that the reader works through while drawing, notetaking, painting and collaging in the book. The spare black and white nature of the book visually supports the idea that the book is a vessel for the reader to fill. We thought it was important to give the user a black and white framework to use as a support for their work.

Book Title: Things Shouldn't Be So Hard
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Number of Pages: 72
Binding Method: Perfect
Typefaces: Aperçu, Colophon Foundry UK

Book Designer: Douglas Barrett
Author/Editor: Douglas Pierre Baulos

Doug Barrett