Suggestion BOX

Suggest a Project for the Antinori Village

We want to hear from our Hambidge Fellows about their dynamic ideas of bringing creatives together in our new Antinori Village. This inspired space provides a new opportunity to nurture creativity with collaborative intention.

Projects can span a weekend, a week or a number of weeks on end. The Village has private accommodations for eight, a large Commons space, and shared kitchen. Like our residency program serving eight artists at a time, we cherish the intimacy that allows everyone to have a voice around the dinner table. While the residency side of the campus offers radical freedom to explore one’s creative practice without expectations, the Village side expects to move ideas forward in measurable ways.

Hambidge is expanding its connections to foundations, corporations, and individuals to support dynamic projects like the one you’re dreaming of. Because it takes time to match funding to ambitious projects, we encourage you to share ideas – even half baked ones – with any insights into potential funding so we can begin to connect dots to bring your project to life.

Suggest a Workshop

Hambidge wants to offer the best workshops at our new Antinori Village. Our workshops are structured as intimate classes of 8-10 students, with an emphasis on deep learning, creating community, and soaking up the peaceful natural setting. Attendees stay in private, thoughtfully designed accommodations, and share meals and conversation.

We’d love to know what types of workshops you’re interested in, or if you’ve attended an incredible workshop you’d recommend!

If you are willing to

  • recommend a workshop you have taken and enjoyed OR

  • describe a workshop you would be interested in taking OR

  • propose a workshop you would like to teach,

Click the Suggestion Box and tell us about it!