Veronika Zeil

Veronika Zeil_Echo Forest #1_graphite and charcoal on paper_2019 copy.jpg

Veronika Zeil
Solo Show
Once Upon A Forest - The Eloquence of Trees
Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery, Biloela, Queensland, Australia
February 3-March 13, 2020, then traveling in 2020-21

Veronicka Zeil’s exhibition is about the fascinating ability of trees to communicate and interact on levels we are only beginning to understand, and includes works on paper and canvas, photography and digital work, and installation. The exhibition was inspired by an art residency at the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences in Georgia, USA, last year. Her time in the forest of the Appalachian Mountains encouraged Veronika to use the science behind tree communication as the base for her new works. The resulting series evolved around the measurements of ‘conversations’ between trees, the complex connections within forest ecosystems and how irreparably they are interrupted by continuous tree-clearing and large forest fires. For many of the pieces, the artist used charcoal and bistre ink made from charcoal that came from the Cobraball Fire at Yeppoon.

Image: Echo Forest #1 by Veronika Zeil

Veronika Zeil
Video about Veronika’s use of charcoal and bistre ink