B. J. Wilson

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B.J. Wilson
Collection of Poems
Finishing Line Press
April 2020

Tuckasee, B.J. Wilson’s new collection of poetry, can be preordered until April 10, 2020. Reserve your copy!

The subject here is a sacred corner of God’s earth—western Kentucky and Tennessee—that the poet knows intimately and in which he has invested both labor and love. In return, the place has honored his nurturant care by speaking through his voice the truth of the natural world, in poems that are visceral before they are cerebral…These poems, this poet, are the real deal.
–T. Crunk, Living in the Resurrection

vibrates with a shadowed luminosity like the shafts of sunlight that sometimes await us in the recesses of swamps, caverns, and old-growth forests. Wilson’s lines take us “…deeper into the green-dark, crashing through / undergrowth, more real than hoofprints.” They feature a poet sluicing and sinking—through the sloughs of memory and form, isolation and relationships.
–Julie Hensley, The Language of Horses

A sample poem from Tuckasee:

Black Puma

On his way to work
at the plant,
my uncle saw it
leap from the backroad—
a black flash
over the roadside
at dawn.

When I was older,
I heard him
educe its color, allow
that things look darker
in the half-light. 

It is an onyx
gliding toward trees
into the dense, boyish
darkness of the forest.

Finishing Line Press