Bukola Koiki



Bukola Koiki
2023 USA Fellowship
January 2023

Bukola Koiki, a conceptual fiber artist from Portland, Maine, was awarded a 2023 USA Artist Fellowship.

“In 2022, I rediscovered craft’s ability to realign and revive my spirit through the grounding, haptic pleasures of handwork in the face of a painful and uncertain experience of houselessness during the pandemic. Making didn’t solve the problem, but it kept me alive long enough to meet a solution.” —Bukola Koiki

United States Artists awarded forty-five Fellows including artists working within, across, and beyond ten disciplines: Architecture & Design, Craft, Dance, Film, Media, Music, Theater & Performance, Traditional Arts, Visual Art, and Writing. They span every career stage, range in age from their 20s to their 90s, and hail from rural, suburban, urban, and Tribal communities across nineteen states, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

USA Fellowships are $50,000 in unrestricted money that the artists can use in any way they would like.

In addition to the award, USA also pays for each artist to have access to individualized financial planning. This professional service has proved so useful to Fellows that USA is now experimenting with providing individual access to lawyers, career consultants, and other professional services as requested by the artists.

Bukola Koiki
United States Artists