Corrina Sephora

Corrina Sephora
Across the Waters of Time
Emma Darnell Aviation Museum and
Conference Center
March 2023

The Across The Waters of Time Exhibition was held at Emma Darnell Aviation Museum and Conference Center.

Hear more from the Artist Corrina Sephora: “The conversation that I'm having with the audience through the symbolism of my work varies over time. Sometimes my work is very personal like something I'm going through in my own personal life. I use creating art as a format to have that discussion get out of my head and out of my system into a piece of art. ”  Watch Video

Image: Boats, oars and ladders are recurrent themes in sculptor Corrina Sephora's work, as beautifully demonstrated in her current retrospective exhibit. (Photos by Sephora)

Corrina Sephora
Fulton County Arts & Culture