Michael Murray


“When I compose at home, or in my studio at my university, there are invariably everyday distractions that creep into my working time. While at Hambidge, I was able to focus exclusively on composing for very long stretches of time. When I needed to take a break from my work, I had the option of enjoying the natural setting of the Hambidge grounds through long hikes on the trails or sitting at a beautiful secluded spot along a rushing creek to be inspired and/or to consider the music I had been writing from a fresh perspective. I often returned to my studio from these breaks ready to push forward with my work or to explore a new approach. Also, the opportunity to share meals and have lively discussions with other creative people from various artistic disciplines, especially non-musicians, is not something I encounter often. These interactions reinvigorated my own creative work with fresh energy and ideas. The environment provided by Hambidge meshes with my working style extraordinarily well. I was extremely productive during my time there, substantially completing close to fifteen minutes of music for voice and orchestra in just under three weeks. In thirty-five years as a creative professional, I have not been able to achieve this level of productivity in my normal day to day working life.”

– Michael Murray, Missouri, Music Composition

Dayna Thacker