Cynthia Graubart

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“The world of artist residency programs was completely new to me. It was hard to imagine that a place had been created just for artists to ‘be.’ The noise of our everyday lives drowns out the creative voice. Sometimes it takes completely unplugging from the world to ‘hear’ again. This was the gift of Hambidge for me. I could sit, be still, and hear what my book wanted to become. Nothing from the outside world broke the protective shell of Hambidge. I think it's sometimes difficult for people to understand that the creative process requires nurturing and I found at Hambidge just the sort of place that understands an artist's needs. I was unsure about my capacity to move into longform writing and the 60 pages of narrative I wrote at Hambidge was the proof I needed that I could create in this form.”

– Cynthia Graubart, Georgia, Culinary, Les Dames D’Escoffier International - Atlanta Chapter Scholarship

Dayna Thacker