Lisa Warrren

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Lisa Warren
Art Show
Garden Galaxy
Standard Space, Sharon, Connecticut
February 7-March 8, 2020

In her previous show at Standard Space, Warren focused on images of family and friends set within domestic environments and scattered with details and clues of their lives. These paintings keyed in on colorful prints and patterns. Now, in a new series featured in Garden Galaxy, Warren has pulled her eye up close, finding inspiration in the abstract shapes and colors embedded in her previous portraits.

These paintings read like aerial views of a garden in which flowers appear on the move from one plot of land to another as if frenetically trying to find a place to ground themselves. In some of the garden paintings, the flower-forms enlarge to the point of outgrowing their plot, floating upward and closer to our frame of vision, filling it with color and movement. It’s as if Warren wished to absent herself from stories and dwell in a place that demanded no narration, a place where words have withdrawn. They are both joyful and frenetic, a remarkable display of color and form.
(text by Charlotte Schulz)

Lisa Warren
Standard Space