Jake Xerxes Fussell

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Jake Xerxes Fussell
New album is editor’s pick in New York Times Style Magazine
June 7, 2019 

A Musician Reimagining American Folk Songs

The musician Jake Xerxes Fussell, who is based in Durham, N.C., is well known within a certain type of folk scene and counts Will Oldham, also known as Bonnie “Prince” Billy, among his biggest fans. “In our house, we’ve listened to more Jake Fussell than any other individual artist over the past year,” Oldham wrote recently, in a kind of open letter of recommendation for Fussell. Now, as he releases his third and strongest album to date, “Out of Sight” (out today on Paradise of Bachelors), Fussell, a singer and guitarist, is creating his own legacy within the long lineage of traditional folk musicians and storytellers that have come before him. Finding inspiration in historical archives, old song books and even YouTube, Fussell reinterprets a mix of traditional American and Irish songs, many of which date to the late 19th century, for the modern era. Read the article… (Scroll to the last item in the article.)

Jake Xerxes Fussell
Paradise of Bachelors