Mia Merlin


“Getting the residency and the scholarship was an amazing boost to my sense of support as an artist. It was like being held and given love for things that I often feel I'm trying to convince myself and the world are worth doing.

The studio space itself was the biggest most beautiful space I've ever painted in. It was inspiring everyday to wake up and see it there as an invitation to paint.

Art making always includes struggle, and Hambidge was no exception of course. I put pressure on myself to be productive given this rare focused time to work. After Covid, the isolation was sometimes difficult. But like all challenges, facing them is meaningful and helped me learn more about myself as an artist and as a person.

During this intensive work period, going back and forth between several paintings at the same time, allowed me to take lessons from one and apply it to the next quickly. Having guaranteed time to paint gave me permission to play more.

The most meaningful part of the residency for me was a few new connections with other residents that were fast and deep. The vulnerability, brilliance and heart some residents brought to making and sharing their work was so moving and such a privilege to witness. These are the things that will stick with me the most over time I believe.”

– Mia Merlin, Georgia, Visual Art

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