Eileen Braun

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Eileen Braun
Solo Show
Questionable Origins
Spruill Gallery, Atlanta GA
January 30-March 14, 2020

An award-winning ceramicist, Braun grew tired of the limitations and fragility of porcelain and sought a new medium that would not resist her manipulation. Large or small, the work captivates the viewer and gives birth to a new form of life from its chrysalis-like structures, begging the audience to question their origins.

Eileen's work is very much process driven - formed of rattan reed, cotton string, encaustic wax, latex paint. In some instances, found objects like fabric and dressmaker's pattern tissue are integrated into the work. Her sculptures are monumental, maneuverable, and deceivingly lightweight.

"My art mirrors natural forms with a biomorphic dystopian edge," said artist Eileen Braun. "Movement, texture and complexity of form are integral as well. My hope is that the viewer will be drawn in by the relaxed floating form; while approaching, they will be intrigued by the ever-changing view of the work - one can see both through it and around it simultaneously. Texture, shadow and line add to the multidimensional cornucopia of delights that are hard to capture in a photograph. The animated gestural quality of my sculptures are deceiving as at times they appear to be line drawings melding into the surface it is secured to."

Eileen was born in Boston, Massachusetts and earned her BA in Sculpture and Art Education. She has maintained a career in the arts; teaching, serving as Executive Director of a suburban New York Arts Center (CCCA) and also with a Chicago art museum (Spertus). After relocating to Atlanta 15 years ago she secured a studio space and dove back into the making of art on a personal level.

Eileen Braun
Spruill Gallery