Brad Kik

Brad Kik
Essay published in Front Porch Republic
The Beehive Plan
August 23, 2019 

Here’s a tale of a place, told in a line of families, told in their daily work for their daily bread. The first arrive, on the edges of living memory, as settlers to a sandy slope of land in northern Michigan—Dutch immigrants, loggers and farmers and builders of industry. Two of those settler children grew, met, married, and gave birth, to my grandmother. That was 1915.

Ninety years on, in the summer of 2005, my wife and I were married. The hitching together of our love and our daily work and our joys and worries added a new family to that line. As part of this joining, I moved the space of a few counties to live in the house she had bought some years before. My lover and I dreamed and schemed of a life together on the land. I would raise a few fat hogs and some grain for our daily bread. She would devote her life to tomatoes. Together, we would tap the maples and raise bees for honey. Read the entire essay…

Brad Kik, co-founder and co-director of Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology
Front Porch Republic